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Birth year
Race – Please note that the terms used in historical records reflect attitudes and language at the time and may now be considered derogatory or offensive. This field is only available for individuals who were recorded as ‘black’, ‘negro’, or ‘mulatto’. See our search tips below for a further explanation of the descriptions found in this field.
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Status – This field will provide you with an indication as to why your ancestor appears in these records. For example, there are arrival and departure lists, lists of all the names of people who have lived and died at specific forts over a period of time, lists of people who have deserted the forts, and much more.
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Series and piece descriptions
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The digitised images may provide further details about your ancestor or give you more information about why their name appeared on this particular document. On the lists of the deceased, you may find your ancestor’s place of death. Other records may include your ancestor’s nationality or a description of your ancestor. For example, we can find multiple entries for Peter Cloice. Cloice arrived at Cape Coast Castle in 1734, and early records note that he was a soldier. However, later records beginning from 1741 describe him as a blind mulatto soldier receiving half pay. The final record for Peter Cloice (also spelt Cloyce) tells us that he died on 22 May 1766.
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The records found in this collection are retained by The National Archives, part of their T 70 series Company of Royal Adventurers of England Trading with Africa and successors. They contain the names of thousands of individuals who travelled on board the Royal African Company’s ships to and from Africa as well as the names of those who lived and died at the numerous company forts.
The Royal African Company was a mercantile company from 1660 until it was dissolved in 1750. The company was first incorporated as the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa. Then it was reconstituted in 1672 as the Royal African Company of England. The Royal African Company held a monopoly over trade in West Africa. Until the 1730s, the company participated mainly in the slave trade to the British colonies. The Royal African Company was a crucial part of the transatlantic slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade was an abominable part of world history. It was a system that enslaved millions of African men, women, and children over several centuries. After years of campaigning for the abolition of slavery, the slave trade was abolished in Britain in 1807.
Since its formation, the Royal African Company established forts and trading posts along the African coast. The company set up its headquarters at Cape Coast Castle on the Gold Coast (modern-day Ghana). They brought traders, merchants, miners, carpenters, native interpreters, and even distillers to build their forts and African trading posts. You will also find the names of thousands of British soldiers who travelled with the company. From Africa, the company brought men, women, and children as slaves to the colonies, as well as gold, wax, and ivory. After the Royal African Company lost its monopoly of the slave trade, it focused its attention on the ivory and gold markets.