Each record contains the transcription of a gravestone or monument. The information available varies but you could find the following about your ancestor:
Year of birth
Year of death
Place of burial
Inscription on stone
Names of immediate family
Reference to stone location
These records contain details for 3747 gravestones and monuments from Hill Cliffe Baptist Chapel in Warrington gathered by volunteers from the Cheshire Family History Society.
Hill Cliffe Chapel is said to have one of the longest surviving protestant non-conformist congregations in Britain. The chapel dates to before the English Civil War and the local tradition is that Oliver Cromwell frequented the church around the time of the Battle of Warrington in 1651. Many American Baptist churches trace their history through this chapel.
Glossary of inscription abbreviations
A##W – Age in weeks
A##Y- Age in years
B – Born
BH – Beloved Husband
BWFO – Beloved wife of
D – Died
D - Daughter
DAU – Daughter
H – Husband
HBH – Her beloved husband
HBWF –His beloved wife
IARO – In affectionate remembrance of
ILMO – In loving memory of
IN/MO - In memory
LWFO = Loving wife of
M – Months (age)
MO – Memory of
OTA – Of the above
S – Son
STTMO – Sacred to the memory of
TMO – Treasured memories of
WD – Who died
WF – Wife
WFOTA – Wife of the above