Each record includes a transcript and an original image. The details revealed in each image will vary, however each transcript will include the following:
First name(s)
Last name
Publication year
Issue date
Issue number
The Dublin Gazette was the official newspaper of the Irish Executive, Britain’s government in Ireland based at Dublin Castle, between 1705 and 1922.
A Dublin Gazette was first instituted in May 1689 by King James II, however, after his defeat in 1690 at the Battle of the Boyne its functions were taken over by The London Gazette.
In 1705, under the Lord Lieutenancy of the 2nd Duke of Ormonde, a new Dublin Gazette was founded, although in its early days it was only two pages in length.
Its first printer was Edwin Sandys, although this was something of a technicality. A proclamation dated from Dublin Castle on 25 October 1705 notified the people of Ireland that – “to prevent imposition by the publication of any false news, the Lords Justices directed the paper entitled The Dublin Gazette to be published by their authority, and had appointed their secretary, Edwin Sandys, to peruse the same constantly, before it is printed; and that Edwin Sandys, at the Custom House Printing-office, should be the printer and publisher thereof”.
The printers of the Gazette held onto their ownership until almost the end of the 18th century. However, on the 9 April 1799, two rival versions of the gazette were published, one by the established publisher, Sir St George O’Kelly, and a second by George Grierson, the King's printer. O'Kelly complained, but to no avail and lost the right to publish the title. It is now surmised that following the Irish Rebellion of 1798, and in the year before the Act of Union of 1800, the Irish government felt it needed total control.
Between 5 April and 5 July 1818, the government paid Grierson £570-7s-6d "for Proclamations, News, Promotions, Addresses, &c., published in the Dublin Gazette".
The Gazette ceased publication during the Rising and for more than a week following it, with the result that a compendium issue was later published for the period between 25 April and 9 May 1916.
From 1919, during the Irish War of Independence, the Gazette was challenged by the Irish Bulletin, the official newspaper of the rival government of the Irish Republic, produced by its Department of Propaganda and appearing weekly from 11 November 1919 to 11 July 1921.
The War of Independence resulted in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, signed in London on 6 December 1921, and as a result, the final edition of The Dublin Gazette was published on 27 January 1922. Four days later, on 31 January, the newly created Irish Free State began to publish a new gazette called Iris Oifigiúil.