The prison registers cover admissions for April 1850-November 1879. There are, however, some gaps for May 1853-March 1859, June 1867-May 1868, June 1871-April 1872, October 1874-July 1875 and September 1877-June 1878. Some pages in the registers have been water damaged.
The registers usually give:
Register number
Prisoners names
When and by whom crimes were committed
How committed
On what charge
Summary conviction
Age last birthday
Personal description: height, complexion, hair, eyes, marks upon person and remarks
Professional trade or occupation
Place of birth
Last or usual residence (and address of friends, if to be advised of prisoner's discharge)
Married or single (and number of children)
Parents living
Number of previous committals
Register in last and next cases
Record book
Letter book
How disposed of at trial
Letters received and out
Date of discharge
The original records are held by Manchester Archives and Local Studies
The prison registers consist of four types:
1.General Registers (Male) March 1859-May 1869 - usually gives:
Register number and number of commitment and reference to discharge book
Prisoners' names
When and by whom crimes were committed
Offence and where committed
Personal description: height, complexion, hair, eyes, marks upon person and remarks
Professional trade or occupation
Place of birth
Last or usual residence (and address of friends, if to be advised of prisoner's discharge)
Married (and number of children) or single
Parents living
Number of previous committals
Date of discharge
This record provides**:
Register number
Monthly number of commitment
Prisoners' names
When and by whom crimes committed
Offence and where committed
Last usual residence
Register number and number of commitment and reference to discharge book
Prisoners' names
When and by whom crimes were committed
Offence and where committed
Personal description: height, complexion, hair, eyes, marks upon person and remarks
Professional trade or occupation
Place of birth
Last or usual residence (and address of friends, if to be advised of prisoner's discharge)
Married or single (and number of children)
Parents living
Number of previous committals
Date of discharge
If aged 16 and under: parents living; if in any other prison since last committed here; number of previous convictions; references: register in last case, register in following case, record book; remarks by surgeon; when discharged
Register number
When received
When and by whom crimes were committed
Offence and where committed
Personal description: height, complexion, hair, eyes, marks upon person and remarks
Trade or profession
Place and date of birth
Last or usual residence
Register in last and following cases
Number of previous commitments
Date of discharge
The original records are held by Manchester Archives and Local Studies
The prison registers consist of four types:
Female Registers 1868-1875
Female Description Books 1867-1879
Male Registers 1869-1879 (with gaps May 1871-April 1873)
Felony Register - Bolton and Salford Sessions (Male) & Manchester Assizes (probably New Bailey Prison and Strangeways Prison) January 1863-October 1876
The registers generally comprise:
Register number
When received
When and by whom crimes were committed
Offence and where committed
Personal description: height, complexion, hair, eyes, marks upon person and remarks
Trade or profession
Place and date of birth
Last or usual residence
Register in last and following cases
Number of previous commitments
Date of discharge
The original records are held by Manchester Archives and Local Studies