This collection includes books published by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society through 2007. Many of the titles were part of the series Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and include transcribed church, city, county, and court records, as well as genealogical indexes.
These records include PDF images of the original publication. Depending on your search criteria, the amount of available information will vary. You may be able to discover the following information within these records:
Family genealogies and lists
Cemetery records
Coroner reports
Marriage records
Estate and probate records
Immigration and naturalization records
Local histories
Local church histories and documents
In the Useful Links & Resources section you can access the image browse-only version of these records. You will be able to flip through these records as you would if you were looking at the original documents.
Genealogical Data from Inventories of New York Estates, 1666–1825, Kenneth Scott and James A. Owre. (1970)
Index to Marriage and Death Notices in the New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung 1836–1870 by Frank A. Biebel.
Index to the DePeyster Genealogy by Waldron P. Belknap, Helen B. Smith.
Kings County, New York, Administration Proceedings 1817–1856, Abstracted by B-Ann Moorhouse, CG, FGBS, and Joseph M. Silinonte
Methodist Protestants and the Union Cemeteries of Brooklyn (1844–1894) by Frank A. Biebel.
NYGBS Collections Volume I: Marriages from 1639 to 1801 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York. (1890)
NYGBS Collections Volume II: Baptisms from 1639 to 1730 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York. (1901)
NYGBS Collections Volume III: Baptisms from 1731 to 1800 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York. (1902)
NYGBS Collections Volume X: Genealogical Data from New York Administration Bonds 1753–1799, With Hitherto Unpublished Letters of Administration, Kenneth Scott, 194p. (1969)
NYGBS Collections Volume XI: Genealogical Data from Further New York Administration Bonds, 1791–1798. (1971)
NYGBS Collections Volume XII: Coroners' Reports, New York City, 1823–1842. (1989)
NYGBS Collections Volume XIII: Naturalizations in the Marine Court, New York City, 1827–1835. (1990)
NYGBS Collections Volume XIV: Coroners' Reports, New York City, 1843–1849. (1991)
NYGBS Collections Volume XV: Naturalizations in the Marine Court, New York City 1834-1840, Kenneth Scott, 192p. (1991)
NYGBS Collections Volume XVI: Minutes of Coroners Proceedings, City and County of New York, John Burnet, Coroner, 1748–1758 (2004)
Records of the Clove Dutch Reformed Church of Clove Valley, Wantage, Sussex County, New Jersey (Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Vol. VIII)
Records of the Reformed Dutch Church and of the Presbyterian Church at Smithfield, Pennsylvania (Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Vol. VIII)
The German Churches of Metropolitan New York — A Research Guide by Richard Haberstroh, C.G.
Voices of the Irish Immigrant: Information Wanted Ads in the Truth Teller, New York City, 1825–1844 by Laura Murphy DeGrazia and Diane Fitzpatrick Haberstroh