Each record includes a transcript of the original record. The amount of information varies in each record, you may be able to find a combination of the following:
First name(s)
Last name
Item number
Original record link
Mustered in date
Mustered out date
Hair colour
Eye colour
The United States, Pennsylvania, Civil War Veteran’s Card File were initially prepared to serve as an index to Samuel Penniman Bates History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865.
The Office of the Adjutant General later expanded the scope of the cards by transcribing onto them the information included in the original Civil War Muster Rolls and other related records.
When compiling the records, the information captured would generally include the soldiers' names, military units. The records would also include ages at enrolment, descriptions of the soldier including their complexion, height, the colour of hair and eyes, place of residence and birthplaces. The dates and places where enrolled, the dates and places were mustered in and the dates of discharge. The records continued to include Samuel Penniman Bates citations which were the volume and page numbers.
The listings, however, are not inclusive all service personal from Pennsylvania who served.