There are over 215,000 records in this census schedule, detailing people who died in the country in the year the census was collected. While the information for each person varies, US Census 1850 Mortality Schedule usually includes:
The United States issues special schedules to accompany certain censuses to find out additional information about the population. In 1850, the census included this mortality schedule to record details about the people who died during the past year. This was the first mortality schedule issued with the US census, but additional mortality schedules were also included in the 1860 and 1880 census.
These records provide more information about your ancestors who died in the middle of the 19th century, during the presidency of Zachary Taylor. Use the information you learn to enrich your family history and continue your genealogical research.
Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.